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Be Creative.
Make it yourself.

Designed for those who enjoy handicraft… We help you make endless creative pieces using unique shape and colour combinations.

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Explore a unique experience

Terrazzo is an easy and beautiful art that can be used to create beautiful surfaces and many more one-of-a-kind pieces of art. It is used by artists, architects, and designers all over the world. An ancient art, terrazzo can be incorporated into any design, from simple art pieces to home décor.

Let’s explore the origins of terrazzo and how it is made.

Begin your creative business

What started out as a fun hobby for most people soon turned into a very profitable business idea given the popularity of unique pieces of art. Making terrazzo is a unique business idea considering the wide range of options in terms of the materials, scales, colors, or production volume. You can create anything from art paintings to elegant classic tables, to antiques and high-end home accessories, to creative pieces with endless artistic and abstract patterns.

Stand out with our products on your shelves

Do you own a business offering art products or a department specialized in handicraft products? Tiatro can help. We have all kinds of terrazzo supplies and tools you need. We also provide a lot of inspiring ideas and practical tips.

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New Skill

Explore your creative skills by learning the art of terrazzo, and create pieces of art with a variety of patterns.

Easy to Learn

Terrazzo materials and techniques are easy use for hobbyists.


Each piece you make is unique in its colors and pattern. Each piece has its own value and story.

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